Why I Love Being a Librarian!

You could be a:

Public librarian
Medical librarian
Reference librarian
Children’s librarian
Library Webmaster
School librarian
Law librarian
Corporate librarian
Academic librarian

You can find out
more about
library schools,
and scholarships
on our website:
This brochure was developed in 2002 by the Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative, a state tax-funded service of the NJ Library Network, and supported by the NJ State Library with state and federal funds from The Library Services and Technology Act.


Make a Difference
@ your library!

Librarianship is a great profession! Is it right for you?

As a librarian, you can:

& Learn something new every day.

& Design a website.

& Tell a story to a child.

& Organize information
so people can find it.

& Teach people to use and evaluate information.

Nothing you know is
ever wasted!
What I do
Makes a
In People’s
Every Day!

Did You Know?*

The highest achieving students attend schools with good library
media centers.

Public libraries are the number one point of online access for people without their own Internet connections at their home, school, or work.

Academic libraries answer 97,000,000 reference questions each year!

* According to the
American Library Association

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