New and Changed Entries March -August 2009

New and Changed Entries
March 2009

The following selected new and changed entries are effective on March 1. The changes include updated entries for motion pictures, radio, and television, plus a new Manual note. Changes are underlined, and deletions are marked by strikethroughs. Please consult WebDewey for complete access to all updates to DDC 22, and Abridged WebDewey for complete access to all updates to Abridged Edition 14.

Edition 22


791.43 Motion pictures

Regardless of distribution medium or method

Class here made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion pictures [both formerly 791.45]; direct-to-video and direct-to-DVD releases of motion pictures; dramatic films, entertainment films; films developed originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news films

Class photographic aspects of motion pictures in 778.53; class made-for-TV movies, video recordings of motion pictures in 791.45

For documentary, educational, news films, see 070.18

See also 384.8 for communication aspects of motion pictures

See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 vs. 791.45; also at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 778.5

791.44 Radio

Regardless of distribution medium or method

Class here dramatic programs, entertainment programs; radio programs developed originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news programs

For documentary, educational, news programs, see 070.194

See also 384.54 for communication aspects of radio

See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092

791.45 Television

Regardless of distribution medium or method

Class here dramatic and audience programs, entertainment programs; mini-series, extended pilots of television series; television-like programs developed originally for Internet transmission; use of video recordings; comprehensive works on dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news programs

Made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion pictures relocated to 791.43

Class use of video recordings not provided for here with the use, e.g., video recordings of rock music 781.66

For documentary, educational, news programs, see 070.195

See also 384.55 for communication aspects of television; also 791.43 for direct-to-video releases of motion pictures

See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 vs. 791.45; also at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 778.5


791.43 vs. 791.45

Motion pictures vs. Television

Use the Internet Movie Database ( or a similar online source for help in determining if a production should be treated as a motion picture or a television program. If in doubt, prefer 791.43.

Abridged Edition 14


791.43 Motion pictures

Regardless of distribution medium or method
Including screenplays
Class here made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion pictures [both formerly 791.45]; direct-to-video and direct-to-DVD releases of motion pictures; dramatic films, entertainment films; films developed originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news films

Class animation of films in 741.5; class photographic aspects of motion pictures in 778.5; class made-for-TV movies, video recordings of motion pictures in 791.45; class texts of plays in 800. Class subject-oriented films and recorded programs themselves with the subject , e.g., flower gardening 635.9

For documentary, educational, news films, see 070.1

See also 384 for communication aspects of motion pictures, e.g., programming (scheduling)

See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 and 791.44, 791.45, 792.9; also at 791.43 vs. 791.45; also at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 778.5; also at 808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9

791.44 Radio

Regardless of distribution medium or method
Including radio plays
Class here dramatic programs, entertainment programs; radio programs developed originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news programs
Class texts of plays in 800. Class subject-oriented programs themselves with the subject , e.g., flower gardening 635.9
For documentary, educational, news programs, see 070.1

See also 384.54 for communication aspects of radio, e.g., programming (scheduling)

See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 and 791.44, 791.45, 792.9; also at 808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9

791.45 Television

Regardless of distribution medium or method
Including television plays
Class here dramatic and audience programs, entertainment programs; mini-series, extended pilots of television series; television-like programs developed originally for Internet transmission; use of videotapes; comprehensive works on dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news programs

Made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion pictures relocated to 791.43

Class texts of plays in 800. Class subject-oriented programs themselves with the subject , e.g., flower gardening 635.9; class use of videotapes recordings not provided for here with the use, e.g., video recordings of rock music 781.66

For documentary, educational, news programs, see 070.1

See also 384.55 for communication aspects of television, e.g., programming (scheduling); also 791.43 for direct-to-video releases of motion pictures

See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 vs. 791.45; also at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 778.5; also at 808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9


791.43 vs. 791.45

Motion pictures vs. Television

Use the Internet Movie Database ( or a similar online source for help in determining if a production should be treated as a motion picture or a television program. If in doubt, prefer 791.43.

New and Changed Entries
April 2009

The following selected new and changed entries are effective on April 1. The changes include updated and expanded provisions in 330 Economics and 650 Management and auxiliary services. Changes are underlined, and deletions are marked by strikethroughs. Schedule entries without underlining or strikethroughs are old entries that are included for context. Please consult WebDewey for complete access to all updates to DDC 22, and Abridged WebDewey for complete access to all updates to Abridged Edition 14.

Edition 22


332.042 International finance

Class international monetary system in 332.45; class comprehensive works on international economics in 337

For international banking, see 332.15; for international investment, see 332.673

332.042 4 Capital movements

Class here currency movements

For exchange of currencies, see 332.45; for international exchange of securities, see 332.65; for balance of payments, see 382.17

332.042 46 Emigrant remittances

For a specific aspect of emigrant remittances, see the aspect, e.g., impact of emigrant remittances on economic development in Latin America 338.98

333.79 ‡Energy

Class here power resources, production of energy, interdisciplinary works on energy

Class electric power in 333.7932; class extraction of energy resources and comprehensive works on the economics of mineral fuels in 338.2; class comprehensive works on production economics of processing and manufacturing fuels in 338.476626; class interdisciplinary works on mineral fuels in 553

For a specific form of energy, a specific energy resource not provided for here, see the form or resource, e.g., fossil fuels 333.82; For a specific form of energy not provided for here, see the form, e.g., wind energy 333.92; for a specific energy resource not provided for here, see the resource, e.g., fossil fuels 333.82; for a noneconomic aspect of energy, see the aspect, e.g., fuel technology 662.6 technology of photovoltaic power generation 621.31244

‡Add as instructed under 333.7–333.9; except class utilization of waste heat in 333.793

333.793 8 †Energy from waste materials

Class distribution of electricity derived from waste materials in 333.7932; class production economics of making fuel from waste materials in 338.4766287; class chemical technology of energy from waste materials in 662.87

For energy from biological wastes, see 333.9539

333.953 9 †Plants as sources of energy

Class here interdisciplinary works on biomass energy

For animal biomass as an energy resource, see 333.954; for production economics of making biomass fuel, see 338.4766288; for biomass fuel engineering, see 662.88

†Add as instructed under 333.7–333.9; except use 15 for both development and generation of energy

338 Production

Class here interdisciplinary works on industry, on production

For specific factors of production, see 331–333; for production economics of financial industries, see 332; for production economics of real estate business, see 333.33; for production of energy production economics of energy production, see 333.79; for economics of cooperative production, see 334; for production economics of insurance industry, see 368; for commerce, communications, transportation, see 380. For a specific noneconomic aspect of industry and production, see the aspect, e.g., law of industry 343.07, production technology 620–690

See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029; also at 332 vs. 338, 658.15; also at 363.5, 363.6, 363.8 vs. 338

338.470 01–.479 99 Subdivisions for products and services

Add to base number 338.47 notation 001–999, e.g., gasoline production industry 338.4766553827 pharmaceutical industry 338.476151, tourist industry 338.4791; however, for production economics of financial industries, see 332; for production economics of real estate business, see 333.33; for production economics of energy production, see 333.79; for production economics of cooperative enterprises, see 334; for production economics of commerce, communications, transportation, see 380
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

338.476 626 Fuel industry

Number built according to instructions under 338.47001–338.47999

Class here comprehensive works on processing and manufacturing fuels

For processing or manufacturing a specific fuel, see the fuel, e.g., biomass fuel 338.4766288, gasoline 338.4766553827

338.542 Business cycles

Including prosperity, recession, depression, recovery; panics

Class remedial and preventive measures in 338.543. Class comprehensive economic works on a specific period of prosperity or depression with the economic conditions of the specific time or place in 330.9, e.g., worldwide depression in 1930s 330.9043, economic prosperity in Germany, 1949–1962 330.9430875

658.12 Management for legal compliance

Former heading: Legal administration

Management of business to ensure compliance with law

Including use of legal counsel

For management for legal compliance with respect to a specific subject, see the subject in 658, e.g., management for legal compliance with respect to collective bargaining 658.3154

See also 346.06 for law of organizations

658.312 Conditions of employment work, performance rating, utilization of personnel

Standard subdivisions are added for conditions of employment work, performance rating, utilization of personnel together; for conditions of employment work alone

> 658.3121–658.3124 Conditions of employment work

Class comprehensive works in 658.312

For compensation management, see 658.32; for personnel health, safety, welfare, see 658.38

658.312 1 Hours Days and hours of work

Former heading: Days and hours of work

Including lunch periods and breaks workday, overtime; flexible hours, shift work, part-time work; compressed workweek; night, holy day, Sunday, holiday work

Class here workweek

Lunch periods and breaks relocated to 658.3122

For leave and rest periods, see 658.3122

658.312 2 Leave and rest periods (breaks) Leaves of absence

Standard subdivisions are added for leave and rest periods together, for leave alone

Including lunch periods and breaks [both formerly 658.3121]; educational, parental, sabbatical, sick leave; paid vacations

Class here annual leave, holidays, paid vacations

Class absenteeism in 658.314

658.4 Executive management

Limited to those activities named below

Class here role, function, powers, position of top and middle management

Class supervision in 658.302; class comprehensive works on management for legal compliance in 658.12. Class a specific executive managerial activity not provided for here with the activity in management, e.g., personnel management 658.3; class application of a specific activity named below in another branch of management with the branch, e.g., production planning 658.503

659.104 Special topics of advertising

659.104 2 Social aspects of advertising

Class social aspects of use of specific images and themes in advertising in 659.10452–659.10459, e.g., social aspects of images of women in advertising 659.1045522

659.104 5 Use of images and themes in advertising

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

Class here iconography of advertising

Add to base number 659.1045 the numbers following —3 in notation 32–39 from Table 3C, e.g., use of images of women in advertising 659.1045522, use of sports themes in advertising 659.1045579

Abridged Edition 14


333.79 Energy

Including alternative, renewable energy resources; energy for specific uses, e.g., use in transportation

Class here power resources, production of energy, interdisciplinary works on energy

Class electric power in 333.793; class extraction of energy resources and comprehensive works on the economics of mineral fuels in 338.2; class comprehensive works on production economics of processing and manufacturing fuels in 338.4; class interdisciplinary works on mineral fuels in 553. Class a specific renewable or alternative resource with the resource, e.g., solar energy 333.792

For a specific form of energy, a specific energy resource not provided for here , see the form or resource , e.g., fossil fuels 333.8; For a specific form of energy not provided for here, see the form, e.g., wind energy 333.9; for a specific energy resource not provided for here, see the resource, e.g., fossil fuels 333.8; for a noneconomic aspect of energy, see the aspect, e.g., fuel technology 662.6 technology of solar cells 621.31

338 Production

Including entrepreneurship; comprehensive works on factors of production, on industrial productivity, on production efficiency (e.g., effect of technological innovations), on products and services

Class here interdisciplinary works on industry, on production; class specific products in 338.1–338.4; class services alone in 338.4; class consumption of products and services in 339.4. Class a specific aspect of entrepreneurship with the aspect, e.g., portion of national income distributed to entrepreneurship 339.2

For specific factors of production, see 331–333; for labor productivity, see 331.11; for production economics of financial industries, see 332; for production economics of real estate business, see 333.33; for production economics of energy production, see 333.79; for economics of cooperative production, see 334; for production economics of insurance industry, see 368; for commerce, communications, transportation, see 380. For effect of technological innovations on a specific aspect of the economy, see the aspect, e.g., effect on working conditions 331.25; for a noneconomic aspect of industry and production, see the aspect, e.g., law of industry 343, production technology 620–690

See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029; see Manual at 332 vs. 338, 658.15; see Manual at 363.5, 363.6, 363.8 vs. 338

338.5 General production economics

Including business cycles, depressions, other economic fluctuations; business forecasting; costs, prices, price determination; law of supply and demand; risk; theories of value

Class here microeconomics (economics of the firm)

Class comprehensive economic works on a specific period of prosperity or depression with the economic conditions of the specific time or place in 330.9, e.g., economic prosperity in Germany, 1949–1962 330.943; class effect of money on prices in 332.4; class Marxian labor theory of value in 335.4; class production economics of specific kinds of industries in 338.1–338.4; class economic stabilization in 339.5

For organization of production, see 338.6. For a specific aspect of prices not provided for here, see the aspect, e.g., effects of prices on the whole economy 339.4

See also 333.7 for supply and demand for natural resources and energy; see also 338.1–338.4 for supply and demand for specific products

658.3 Personnel management (Human resource management)

Including conditions of employment work, e.g. hours, workday, leaves of absence, telecommuting; collective bargaining, employee representation in management, labor unions and other employee organizations; employee dismissal, employment interviewing, promotion; employee health, safety, welfare; training; compensation management

Class industrial democracy in 331.01; class worker control of industry in 338.6; class clerical techniques involved in maintaining payroll records in 651.3; class payroll accounting procedures in 657; class safety of plant and equipment in 658.20028; class employment interviewing from the job seeker's viewpoint, comprehensive works on employment interviewing in 650.14; class comprehensive works on safety management in 658.4; class interdisciplinary works on industrial relations, on labor in 331; class interdisciplinary works on industrial safety in 363.11

For management of office personnel, see 651.3068; for management of supervisors, executive personnel, see 658.4

See also 650.14 for how to obtain a promotion (employee's viewpoint)

New and Changed Entries
May 2009

The following new and changed entries are effective on May 1. We have made changes in 610 Medicine and health to clarify the scope of pediatrics and adolescent medicine.
We have also added two new entries: 616.4622 for diabetes mellitus, type 1 (insulin-dependent diabetes) and 616.4624 for diabetes mellitus, type 2 (non-insulin-dependent diabetes). Changes are underlined, and deletions are marked by strikethrough. The entries 616.1–616.9, 617, and 618.1–618.8 include only the changed parts of the add tables, plus some preceding material for context. Schedule entries without underlining or strikethroughs are old entries that are included for context. Please consult WebDewey for complete access to all updates to DDC 22, and Abridged WebDewey for complete access to all updates to Abridged Edition 14.

Edition 22

615.5 Therapeutics

Class here comprehensive works on alternative therapies, on iatrogenic diseases, on patient compliance, on placebo effect

Class works on alternative medicine that include pathology and etiology in addition to therapeutics in 610 (or, if arranged by kind of disease, in 616). Class therapies applied to a specific disease or group of diseases with the disease or group of diseases in 616–618, plus notation 06 from tables under 616.1–616.9, 617, 618.1–618.8, e.g., therapies for cardiovascular diseases 616.106

For specific therapies and kinds of therapies other than drug therapy, chemotherapy, see 615.8; for emergency care, see 616.025; for intensive care, see 616.028; for palliative and terminal care, see 616.029. For a specific occurrence of iatrogenic diseases, patient compliance, placebo effect, see the occurrence, e.g., drug interactions not anticipated by a doctor 615.7045, surgical infections 617.9195

615.508 3 Young people

Do not use for therapeutics for infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent therapeutics; class in 615.542

615.508 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for therapeutics for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 615.542

Class here therapeutics for adolescents

615.542 Pediatric therapeutics

Class here comprehensive works on child and adolescent therapeutics

For adolescent therapeutics, see 615.50835. For a specific aspect of pediatric therapeutics, see the aspect, plus notation 083 from Table 1, e.g., exercise therapy for children 615.82083

616 Diseases

Class here clinical medicine, evidence-based medicine, internal medicine

For incidence of and public measures to prevent disease, see 614.4; for therapeutics, see 615.5; for injuries and wounds, surgical treatment of diseases, diseases by body region, diseases of teeth, eyes, ears, see 617; for gynecologic, obstetrical, fetal, pediatric, geriatric diseases, see 618

See Manual at 610 vs. 616; also at 616 vs. 612; also at 616 vs. 616.075; also at 616 vs. 617.4; also at 616 vs. 618.92

616.008 3 Young people

Do not use for diseases of infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine; class in 618.92

616.008 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for diseases of young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92

Class here adolescent medicine

> 616.1–616.9 Specific diseases

All notes under 616.02–616.08 are applicable here

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:

. . . . .

0083 Young people

Do not use for diseases of infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on diseases of children and adolescents; class in 618.92

00835 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for diseases of young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92

Class here diseases of adolescents

. . . . .

616.462 *Diabetes mellitus

Class here comprehensive works on diabetes

Class diabetic nephropathies in 616.61

For diabetes insipidus, see 616.47

616.462 2 *Diabetes mellitus, type 1 (Insulin-dependent diabetes)

616.462 4 *Diabetes mellitus, type 2 (Non-insulin-dependent diabetes)

*Add as instructed under 616.1–616.9

617 Miscellaneous branches of medicine Surgery

Only those branches named here

Except where contrary instructions are given, all notes under 616.02–616.08 and in table under 616.1–616.9 are applicable here

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:

. . . . .

0083 Young people

Notation 0083 is used for pediatric aspects of specific kinds of wounds and injuries, e.g., burns and scalds in children 617.110083; for surgery of a specific organ, system, disorder, e.g., brain surgery in children 617.4810083; for specific aspects of pediatric dentistry, e.g., caries in children 617.670083

Class comprehensive works on pediatric dentistry in 617.645; class comprehensive works on surgery for infants and children up to puberty in 617.98; class comprehensive works on pediatrics in 618.92; class regional medicine, ophthalmology, otology, audiology for infants and children up to puberty in 618.92097

00835 Young people twelve to twenty

Notation 00835 is used for adolescent medicine aspects of all topics in 617, e.g., brain surgery in adolescents 617.48100835, comprehensive works on surgery for adolescents 617.00835
. . . . .

617.008 3 Young people

Do not use for surgery for infants and children up to puberty; class in 617.98

617.008 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for comprehensive works on surgery for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 617.98

Class here adolescent surgery

617.5 Regional medicine Regional surgery

Class here orthopedic regional medicine, orthopedic regional surgery

Class nonsurgical medicine of specific systems or organs in specific regions in 616; except as provided for below, class surgery of a specific system in a specific region in 617.4

See also 617.15 for fractures

See Manual at 617.5

617.508 3 Young people

Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine; class in 618.920975

617.508 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.920975

Class here comprehensive works on nonsurgical regional medicine of adolescents

617.6 *Dentistry

[617.600 83] Young people

Do not use for dentistry for infants and children up to puberty; class in 617.645

617.600 835 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for dentistry for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 617.645

Class here adolescent dentistry

617.645 *Pediatric dentistry

Class here comprehensive works on pediatric and adolescent dentistry

For adolescent dentistry, see 617.600835. For a specific aspect of pediatric dentistry, see the aspect, plus notation 0083 from table under 617, e.g., periodontics for children 617.6320083

617.98 *Pediatric surgery

Class here comprehensive works on pediatric and adolescent surgery

For adolescent surgery, see 617.00835

*Add as instructed under 617

618 Other branches of medicine Gynecology and obstetrics

618.083 Young people

Do not use for patients infants and children up to puberty; class in 618.92098

618.083 5 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for patients who have reached puberty; class in 618.083

Do not use for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92098

Class here adolescent gynecology and obstetrics

> 618.1–618.8 Gynecology and obstetrics

Medical and surgical

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:

. . . . .

0083 Young people

Do not use for infants and children patients up to puberty; class in 618.92098

00835 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for patients who have reached puberty; class in 618.083

Do not use for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92098

Class here adolescent gynecology and obstetrics

. . . . .

618.1 *Gynecology

Including endocrine gynecology, endometriosis

Class tumors of genital system in 616.99465

For puerperal diseases, see 618.7; for pediatric gynecology, see 618.92098

See also 616.9297 for toxic shock syndrome

618.100 83 Young people

Do not use for gynecology for infants and children up to puberty; class in 618.92098

618.100 835 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for gynecology for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92098

Class here adolescent gynecology

618.2 *Obstetrics

Class here midwifery, comprehensive works on pregnancy and childbirth

For physiology of pregnancy and childbirth, see 612.63; for diseases, disorders, management of pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, see 618.3–618.8

618.200 835 Young people twelve to twenty

Class here adolescent obstetrics

*Add as instructed under 618.1–618.8

618.92 Pediatrics

Medicine for infants and children up to puberty

Class here comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine

For medicine for young people who have reached puberty (adolescent medicine), see 616.00835; for pediatric aspects of injuries and wounds, see 617.10083; for pediatric aspects of results of injuries and wounds, see 617.2083; for pediatric dentistry, see 617.645; for pediatric surgery, see 617.98

See Manual at 616 vs. 618.92

Abridged Edition 14
615.5 Therapeutics

Including drug therapy, chemotherapy; pediatric and geriatric therapeutics; general therapeutic systems, e.g., chiropractic, osteopathy

Class here comprehensive works on alternative therapies, on iatrogenic diseases, on patient compliance, on placebo effect

Class works on alternative medicine that include pathology and etiology in addition to therapeutics in 610 (or, if arranged by kind of disease, in 616); class general therapeutics of a specific drug or group of drugs, herbal medicine, methods of medication in 615; class comprehensive works on osteopathy as a medical science in 610. Class therapies applied to a specific disease or group of diseases with the disease or group of diseases in 616–618, e.g., therapies for cardiovascular diseases 616.1; class a specific application of osteopathy with the application, e.g., osteopathic discussion of endocrine diseases 616.4

For specific therapies and kinds of therapies other than drug therapy, chemotherapy, see 615.8; for emergency care, intensive care, palliative and terminal care, see 616.02. For a specific occurrence of iatrogenic diseases, patient compliance, placebo effect, see the occurrence, e.g., surgical infections 617; for a specific aspect of pediatric or geriatric therapeutics, see the aspect, e.g., exercise therapy 615.8

See also 615.8 for folk remedies, traditional remedies

See Manual at 615.5; also at 610.92 vs. 615.5

615.508 3 Young people

Do not use for therapeutics for infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent therapeutics; class in 615.5

615.508 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for therapeutics for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 615.5

Class here therapeutics for adolescents

616 Diseases

Including experimental medicine [formerly 619]; chronic, congenital, genetic diseases; symptoms and general pathological processes as problems in their own right, e.g., pain, inflammation, shock; palliative and terminal care

Class here clinical medicine, evidence-based medicine, internal medicine

Class ethics of animal experimentation in 179; class ethics of experimentation on human subjects and comprehensive works on ethics of medical experimentation in 174; class comprehensive works on clinical trials in 615.072. Class experimental medicine; chronic, congenital, genetic diseases; preventive measures by the individual and by medical personnel; symptoms as problems in their own right; palliative and terminal care in relation to a particular kind of disease or branch of medicine with the kind of disease or branch of medicine in 616–618, without use of notation 01–09 from Table 1, e.g., measures taken to prevent respiratory diseases 616.2

For incidence of and public measures to prevent disease, see 614.4; for therapeutics, see 615.5; for gene therapy, see 615.8; for injuries and wounds, surgical treatment of diseases, diseases by body region, diseases of teeth, eyes, ears, see 617; for gynecological, obstetrical, fetal, pediatric, geriatric diseases, see 618; for prenatal procedures to diagnose genetic diseases (e.g., amniocentesis and chorionic villus biopsy), see 618.3

See Manual at 610 vs. 616; also at 616 vs. 612; also at 616 vs. 616.07; also at 616 vs. 617.4; also at 616 vs. 618.92

616.008 3 Young people

Do not use for diseases of infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine; class in 618.92

616.008 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for diseases of young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92

Class here adolescent medicine

> 616.1–616.9 Specific diseases

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, use the following modified standard subdivisions:

. . . . .

0083 Young people

Do not use for diseases of infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on diseases of children and adolescents; class in 618.92

00835 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for diseases of young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92

Class here diseases of adolescents

. . . . .

617 Miscellaneous branches of medicine Surgery

Only those branches named below

Including operative surgery, surgical infections; orthopedic equipment; rehabilitation, e.g., self-help devices for persons with disabilities

Except where contrary instructions are given, all notes under 616.02–616.08 are applicable here

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, use the following modified standard subdivisions:

. . . . .

0083 Young people

Class pediatric dentistry in 617.6; class comprehensive works on surgery for infants and children up to puberty in 617.9; class regional medicine, ophthalmology, otology, audiology for infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on pediatrics in 618.92

00835 Young people twelve to twenty

Notation 00835 is used for adolescent medicine aspects of all topics in 617, e.g., adolescent ophthalmology 617.700835

. . . . .

617.008 3 Young people

Do not use for surgery for infants and children up to puberty; class in 617.9

617.008 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for comprehensive works on surgery for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 617.98

Class here adolescent surgery

617.5 Regional medicine Regional surgery

Including appendectomies, oral surgery, otolaryngology, podiatry, respiratory system; comprehensive works on diseases of eyes, ears, nose, throat, on paraplegia

Class here orthopedic regional medicine, orthopedic regional surgery

Class nonsurgical medicine of specific systems or organs in specific regions in 616; except for spleen, thyroid and parathyroid glands, respiratory system, specific organs of digestive system, class surgery of a specific system in a specific region in 617.4; class comprehensive works on kinds of oral surgery commonly performed by dentists in 617.6

For neurological aspects of paraplegia, see 616.8; for teeth, see 617.6; for eyes, see 617.7; for ears, see 617.8

See also 617.1 for fractures

See Manual at 617.5

617.508 3 Young people

Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine; class in 618.92

617.508 35 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92

Class here comprehensive works on nonsurgical regional medicine of adolescents

617.6 Dentistry

Including cavities, dental diseases, oral surgery, orthodontics, pedodontics; dentures, bridges

For tuberculosis of teeth and surrounding tissues, see 616.9; for tumors and cancers of teeth and surrounding tissues, see 616.99

[617.600 83] Young people

Do not use for dentistry for infants and children up to puberty; class in 617.6

617.600 835 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for dentistry for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 617.6

Class here adolescent dentistry

617.9 Geriatric, pediatric, military surgery; cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery; transplantation of tissue and organs; implantation of artificial tissue and organs; anesthesiology

Including comprehensive works on pediatric and adolescent surgery

Class acupuncture anesthesia in 615.8; class resuscitation; transplantation of fetal tissue in experimental medicine, resuscitation in 616

For surgery of tumors and cancers, see 616.99; for adolescent surgery, see 617.00835; for gynecological surgery, see 618.1; for cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery, transplantation of tissue and organs, implantation of artificial organs in obstetrical surgery, see 618.8. For surgery of a specific organ, system, disorder, see the organ, system, disorder in 617, e.g., brain surgery in children 617.4

See also 362.17 for tissue and organ banks

618 Other branches of medicine Gynecology and obstetrics

618.083 Young people

Do not use for patients infants and children up to puberty; class in 618.92

618.083 5 Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92

Class here adolescent gynecology and obstetrics

618.1 Gynecology

Including endocrine gynecology, endometriosis; artificial insemination, female infertility; birth control, contraception, family planning; comprehensive works on climacteric disorders, on diseases and surgery of male and female breast
Class personal health aspects of birth control in 613.9; class pharmacokinetics of chemical contraceptives in 615; class tumors and cancers of genital system in 616.99; class comprehensive works on male and female infertility, comprehensive medical works on sexual disorders in 616.6; class interdisciplinary works on birth control in 363.9

For diseases of male breast, see 616.4; for male climacteric disorders, nonsurgical methods of birth control in males, see 616.6; for tumors and cancers of breast, see 616.99; for surgical methods of birth control in males, see 617.4; for surgery of male breast, see 617.5; for puerperal diseases, see 618.7; for pediatric gynecology, see 618.92

See also 616.9 for toxic shock syndrome; also 618.8 for surgical abortion

618.92 Pediatrics

Medicine for infants and children up to puberty

Class here comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine

Including pediatric audiology, ophthalmology, otology

Class life with a physical disease in 362.198; class pediatric sports medicine in 617.1; class perinatal medicine in 618.3; class comprehensive works on congenital diseases in 616

For pediatric preventive measures, see 613; for pediatric therapeutics, see 615.5; for medicine for young people who have reached puberty (adolescent medicine), see 616.00835; for pediatric aspects of wounds and injuries, see 617.10083; for pediatric aspects of results of injuries and wounds, see 617.2083; for pediatric dentistry, see 617.6; for pediatric regional surgery, see 617.5; for pediatric surgery of eyes, see 617.7; for pediatric surgery of ears, see 617.8; for pediatric surgery, see 617.9

See Manual at 616 vs. 618.92; also at 618.92 vs. 617

New and Changed Entries
June 2009

The following selected new and changed entries are effective on June 1. We have provided clarification on classifying the iconography of two or more subjects; modifications and clarifications have also been made related to the iconography of human figures and animals. Changes to schedule numbers are indicated only by underlining. Other changes are underlined, and deletions are marked by strikethroughs. Schedule entries without underlining or strikethroughs are old entries that are included for context. Please consult WebDewey for complete access to all updates to DDC 22, and Abridged WebDewey for complete access to all updates to Abridged Edition 14.

Edition 22

704.94 Specific subjects

A work with two or more subjects is classed with the subject that is the center of interest, e.g., cityscapes with incidental human figures 704.944 (not 704.942), church interiors displaying Stations of the Cross 704.9484 (not 704.944)

704.942 Human figures

Not provided for in 704.946–704.948

Class here portraits

Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g., groups of children 704.9425 (not 704.9426):

Erotica 704.9428
Nudes 704.9421
Specific kinds of persons 704.9423–704.9425
Groups of human figures 704.9426
Nudes 704.9421
Draped figures 704.9422

Human figures engaged in a specific activity relocated to the activity, e.g., ice skaters 704.94979691092

Class symbolism of human figures in 704.946. Class a work in which the human figure is not the center of interest with the type of work, e.g., cityscapes 704.944; class human figures engaged in a specific profession occupation with the profession occupation, e.g., farmers 704.943092, doctors 704.94961092, circus clowns 704.94979133

For human figures associated with mythology and legend, see 708.947; for human figures associated with religion, see 709.948

704.942 1 Nudes

Class here nudes of men [formerly 704.9423], nudes of women [formerly 704.9424], nudes of children [formerly 704.9425], groups of nudes [formerly 704.9426]

704[.942 2] Draped figures

Number discontinued; class in 704.942

> 704.9423–704.9425 Specific kinds of persons

Class comprehensive works in 704.942

704.942 3 Men

Nudes of men relocated to 704.9421

704.942 4 Women

Nudes of women relocated to 704.9421

704.942 5 Children

Nudes of children relocated to 704.9421

704.942 6 Groups of human figures

Groups of nudes relocated to 704.9421; hunters relocated to 704.94979929

704.943 Nature and still life

Standard subdivisions are added for nature and still life together, for nature alone

Not provided for in 704.946–704.948

Class here agriculture [formerly 704.94963]

Class symbolism of nature and still life in 704.946; class comprehensive works on science in 704.9495

For nature and still life associated with mythology and legend, see 708.947; for nature and still life associated with religion, see 709.948

704.943 2 Animals

Including comprehensive works on hunting scenes

Class here pets

Add to base number 704.9432 the numbers following 59 in 592–599, e.g., eagles 704.94328942

Class hunting scenes in which animals are the center of interest in 704.94322–704.94329; class symbolism of animals in 704.946

For a specific type of a hunting scene in which animals are not the center of interest, see the type of scene, e.g., hunters 704.9426

704.943 22–.943 29 Specific animals

Add to base number 704.9432 the numbers following 59 in 592–599, e.g., eagles 704.94328942

> 753–758 Iconography

Class here development, description, critical appraisal, works regardless of form

A work with two or more subjects is classed with the subject that is the center of interest, e.g., cityscapes with incidental human figures 758.7 (not 757), church interiors displaying Stations of the Cross 755.4 (not 758.7)

Class comprehensive works in 750

See Manual at 704.9 and 753–758

757 *Human figures

Not provided for in 753–755, 758

Class here portraits

Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g., groups of nude women 757.4 757.2 (not 757.22 757.4 or 757.6):

Erotica 757.8
Nudes 757.2
Miniature portraits 757.7
Specific kinds of persons 757.3–757.5
Groups of human figures 757.6
Human figures according to attire 757.2

Human figures engaged in a specific activity relocated to the activity, e.g., ice skaters 758.979691092

Class symbolism of human figures in 753.6. Class human figures engaged in a specific occupation with the occupation, e.g., farmers 758.5092, doctors 758.961092, circus clowns 758.979133

For human figures associated with mythology and legend, see 753.7; for human figures associated with religion, see 755

757.2 *Human figures according to attireNudes

Class here nudes of men [formerly 757.3], nudes of women [formerly 757.4], nudes of children [formerly 757.5], groups of nudes [formerly 757.6]

757[.22] *Nudes

Number discontinued; class in 757.2

757[.23] *Draped figures

Number discontinued; class in 757

> 757.3–757.5 Specific kinds of persons

Class here portraits of individuals

Class comprehensive works in 757

757.3 *Men

Nudes of men relocated to 757.2

757.4 *Women

Nudes of women relocated to 757.2

757.5 *Children

Nudes of children relocated to 757.2

757.6 *Groups of human figures

Groups of nudes relocated to 757.2; hunters relocated to 758.979929

758 *Nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific Other subjects

Standard subdivisions are added for nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific subjects together, for nature alone

> 758.1–758.5 Nature

Class comprehensive works in 758

758.1 *Landscapes

Add to base number 758.1 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., landscapes of Utah 758.1792; however, for individual painters, see 759.1–759.9

758.2 *Marine scenes and seascapes

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

758.3 *Animals

Including hunting scenes

Class here pets

Add to base number 758.3 the numbers following 59 in 592–599, e.g., eagles 758.38942

Class hunting scenes in which animals are not the center of interest with the subject, e.g., hunters 757.6 symbolism of animals in 753.6

For animals associated with mythology and legend, see 753.7; for animals associated with religion, see 755

758.4 *Still life

Class symbolism of still life in 753.6

For still life associated with mythology and legend, see 753.7; for still life associated with religion, see 755

758.42 *Flowers

758.5 *Plants

Class here agriculture [formerly 758.963]

Class symbolism of plants in 753.6; class landscapes in 758.1

For plants associated with mythology and legend, see 753.7; for plants associated with religion, see 755; for animals, see 758.3; for flowers, see 758.42

758.7 *Architectural subjects and cityscapes

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

Add to base number 758.7 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., cityscapes of England 758.742; however, for individual painters, see 759.1–759.9

758.9 Other specific subjects

Not provided for elsewhere

Add to base number 758.9 notation 001–999, e.g., paintings of scientific subjects 758.95, of historical events 758.99; however, agriculture relocated from 758.963 to 758.5; for landscapes, see 758.1; for marine scenes and seascapes, see 758.2; for animals, see 758.3; for plants, see 758.5; for individual painters, see

*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1 for individual painters; class in 759.1–759.9

Abridged Edition 14
> 753–758 Iconography

Class here development, description, critical appraisal, works regardless of form

A work with two or more subjects is classed with the subject that is the center of interest, e.g., cityscapes with incidental human figures 758 (not 757), church interiors displaying Stations of the Cross 755 (not 758)

Class comprehensive works in 750

See Manual at 704.9 and 753–758

757 *Human figures

Not provided for in 753–755, 758

Class here portraits

Hunters relocated to 758. Human figures engaged in a specific activity relocated to the activity, e.g., ice skaters 758

Class symbolism of human figures in 753. Class human figures engaged in a specific occupation with the occupation, e.g., farmers 758

For human figures associated with mythology and legend, see 753; for human figures associated with religion, see 755

758 *Nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific Other subjects

Standard subdivisions are added for nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific subjects together; for nature and architectural subjects and cityscapes together; for nature alone

Including animals, cityscapes, landscapes, marine scenes, plants, still life

Class symbolism of animals, plants, still life in 753. Class individual painters in 759.1–759.9. Class hunting scenes in which animals are not the center of interest with the subject, e.g., hunters 757

For animals, plants, still life associated with mythology and legend, see 753; for animals, plants, still life associated with religion, see 755; for individual painters, see 759.1–759.9

New and Changed Entries
July 2009

The following selected new and changed entries are effective on July 1. The changes include updated entries for the history of Gabon. Changes are underlined. Please consult WebDewey for complete access to all updates to DDC 22, and Abridged WebDewey for complete access to all updates to Abridged Edition 14.

Edition 22


967.210 42 Administration of Omar Bongo, 1967–2009

967.210 43 2009–

New and Changed Entries
August 2009

The following selected new and changed entries are effective on August 1. The changes include updated entries for the treatment of chapbooks. Changes to schedule numbers are indicated only by underlining. Other changes are underlined, and deletions are marked by strikethroughs. The schedule entry without underlining or strikethroughs is an old entry that is included for context. Please consult WebDewey for complete access to all updates to DDC 22, and Abridged WebDewey for complete access to all updates to Abridged Edition 14.

Edition 22

002 The book
Including interdisciplinary works on chapbooks [formerly 398.5]
Class here historical bibliography, interdisciplinary works on the book
Class comprehensive works on historical and analytical bibliography in 010.42
For book publishing, see 070.5; for rare books, see 090; for social aspects of the book, see 302.232; for book arts, see 686. For chapbooks with content limited to a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., murder 364.1523, 18th-century English fiction 823.5
398 Folklore
See also 201.3 for religious mythology; also 800 for belles-lettres by identifiable authors, anonymous literary classics
398.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.2 Folk literature
.3 Real phenomena as subjects of folklore
.4 Paranatural and legendary phenomena as subjects of
.5 Chapbooks
.6 Riddles
.8 Rhymes and rhyming games
.9 Proverbs
398[.5] Chapbooks
Interdisciplinary works on chapbooks relocated to 002. Chapbooks with content limited to a specific subject relocated to the subject, e.g., murder 364.1523, 18th-century English fiction 823.5

Abridged Edition 14

002 The book
Including interdisciplinary works on chapbooks [formerly 398]
Class here historical bibliography, interdisciplinary works on the book
Class comprehensive works on historical and analytical bibliography in 010
For book publishing, see 070.5; for rare books, see 090; for social aspects of the book, see 302.23; for book arts, see 686. For chapbooks with content limited to a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., murder 364.152
398 *Folklore
Including origin, role, function of themes and subjects of folklore and superstitions as cultural and social phenomena; chapbooks
Interdisciplinary works on chapbooks relocated to 002. Chapbooks with content limited to a specific subject relocated to the subject, e.g., murder 364.152
See also 201 for religious mythology; also 800 for literature by identifiable authors, anonymous literary classics
See Manual at 398.2 vs. 398

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